Tuition All Inclusive

Save up to 25%

TALKʼs Tuition All Inclusive Package is perfect for students who are not sure which program they want to take before they arrive and want the flexibility to try different programs.

Check out the benefits of the All Inclusive Package

  • Perfect for students who want the flexibility to try different programs
  • Private lessons included if enrolled in General English only

What’s Included

  • Application Fee
  • Books
  • International Express Delivery
  • One of the following full-time course options (where available):
  • Intensive English
  • General English + 2 One-to-One lessons/wk
  • Professional Development Activity (PDA)
  • Business English Plus

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Если у Вас есть вопросы или комментарии о школах TALK, наших языковых программах, или Вам нужна дополнительная информация, пожалуйста, нажмите кнопку ниже для связи с нами

Аккредитации и ассоциации

Школы английского языка TALK аккредитованы Министерством внутренней безопасности США и ACCET и являются членами TESOL, NAFSA, IELTS и ATD.

Школы TALK Schools входят в состав TALK Education Group вместе с UnistudyUSA, Центром TALK IELTS, TALK Kids, Real World Translations и Brentwood.

Learn English for just $110/week or Study Business for only $1.040/course!