
  • 3501 S University Dr, Davie, FL 33328 (地図を見る)
  • +1 (954) 990-6164
  • fortlauderdale@talk.edu






  • 1年中暖かく、太陽が輝く気候の下で様々なアウトドアアクティビティーが楽しめる
  • 近隣のキーウェスト、マイアミ、パームビーチでは美術館を訪れたり、コンサートに参加したり、自然を楽しんだり、リラックスしたりと週末のアクティビティーが盛りだくさん
  • 活気のあるレストランやカフェが溢れるアート、エンターテイメント地区が数多く健在
  • ノバサウザーン大学、フロリダアトランティック大学、フロリダインターナショナル大学、マイアミ大学など公立、私立の大学に近接






  • 近代的なカスタム設計の校舎
  • 全12教室
  • 広々とした受付エリアと屋外パティオ
  • インタラクティブテクノロジー
  • ノバサウザーン大学の図書館、フードコートが利用可
  • 無料 Wi-Fi
  • 公共交通機関で通学が可能
  • 広い駐車場
  • カフェ、レストラン、ショッピングモールなどが徒歩圏内


  • ホームステイ


  • 最寄りのバス停まで徒歩圏内
  • ノバサウスイースタン大学行きのシャトルが利用可
  • 最寄りの空港:フォートローダデール・ハリウッド国際空 港(FLL)またはマイアミ国際空港(MIA)


  • 交通費
  • 片道 $2.00
  • 1日乗り放題パス $5.00
  • 1週間定期 $20.00
  • 1カ月定期 $70.00
  • 食費
  • 昼食の平均額 $7 1人当たり
  • 夕食の平均額 $20 1人当たり
  • 博物館&観光
  • 博物館/ツアー/その他観光 $10 - $30
  • スポーツイベント
  • スポーツイベント スポーツ観戦のチケット代 $30 - $200
  • 天気





I improved my English in great classes with very helpful teachers.I enjoy my life in beautiful Fort Lauderdale and I like living and studying at the university campus.

Joel Kemptes, from Switzerland

Studying at Talk School of Languages was an incredible experience that I’ll keep with me forever. Since my brother lives here, I decided to come in order to practice my English and have some new experiences in a new country. I didn’t come with many intentions like other students did, but after some time studying here I started changing plans, and opening my mind to new opportunities that would emerge. Once I decided to study and do my undergraduate in a university here, I had all the support necessary to clear doubts and to prepare myself for that. It goes without saying that the teachers played an important role in my achievements. All the staff, in general, helped me improve my English even when I was outside the classroom.

Lucas Pereira, from Brazil

Before I went to the U.S, my goals were: understand American live style, and make friends from everywhere as many as I could.I took a risk by going there alone! Home alone! Over all it was a magnificent experience . I went to many famous places in the world: Miami, Orlando, New York, and Washington D.C, you cannot imagine how much joy I had! tremendous trip in a homogenous country, as a result, I found myself in something I love much more which is making friendships from different countries, and diversity cultures. Therefore, Received that, not only because I have a sweet soul, but also I found out how much American are very friendly and helpful.
learn English Fort Lauderdale

Mohammed, from Egypt

Here at TALK I am learning how to use this key that will open doors to a more successful path.Choosing to study in another country has been one of the best decisions I have made. I recommend TALK because I have not only learned new words and grammar, but I am also preparing to live in a more competitive world. Here I am learning and becoming more disciplined in my studies.
learn english Fort Lauderdale

Maritza Mantilla, from Colombia

The past 3 months with TALK mean a lot to me.  I will take many good memories with me.  We tried to do as much as we could do.  I really enjoyed the time and we had so much fun.  For example, visits to the beach, visits to clubs, trips to Orlando, Key West or the Bahamas, our weekly dinners, and playing funny games.  We laughed a lot together and we even cried together.  I’m also happy because I had an amazing time here.  I had so many super classmates and very good, funny and excellent teachers.  I felt very comfortable here.  I learned a lot from you and I am leaving with a good feeling.
learn english Fort Lauderdale

Stephanie Keel, from Switzerland

TALK Fort Lauderdale, October 21, 2016I arrived here, 3 weeks ago with one goal: improve my English during my vacation. I know is a difficult target because of the short period of time. But everything was so intense and with a lot of information every time that I think if I’m not fluent yet, my listen and my “r”pronunciation improve so much.I would like to thanks my teacher Karen, for the knowledge shared and my classmates for share with me a good time, their culture and experiences.A strong hug!Geovane Almeida

Geovane Almeida, from Brazil

I Made a lot a friends, I would like to came back!
learn English Fort Lauderdale

Thalita Fuly, from Brazil

TALK was a great experience. Besides always interesting classes, I had a chance to meet many great people from all over the world, learn about their culture.I have improved my English-Language skills a lot and without TALK English school I could never accomplish that in this short period of time. Thank you TALK and see you soon again, your Cinderella.

Mirjana Tunic, from Serbia



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TALK Schoolsは米国国土安全保障省、ACCETからの認定校、又、TESOL、NAFSA、IELTS、ATDの一員です。

TALK SchoolsはUnistudyUSA、TALK IELTS Center、TALK Kids、Real World Translationsと共にTALK Education Groupの一環となっております。

Learn English for just $110/week or Study Business for only $1.040/course!


This course is designed for students to develop a general knowledge of literature, art, music, and the performing arts. The course covers periods from classical to contemporary in the fields of poetry, prose, philosophy, art, architecture, music, dance, theater, and film. Students will develop a framework to comprehend, analyze and interpret various works of art.