
  • 1390 Brickell Ave, Miami, FL 33131 (地図を見る)
  • +1 (305) 375-0126
  • miami@talk.edu


当マイアミ校はマイアミのブリッケル 通りの金融ビジネス地区の中心に位置します。



高層ビル、ホテルやレジデンスタワーが無数にそびえ立つスカイラインが美しいマイアミのブリッケル 地区は、北米とラテンアメリカの間の国際的な銀行取引や商業取引の中心となっています。おしゃれなカフェ、レストランやブティックは、世界中を旅する人たち、俳優やビジネスマンで賑わいます。



マイアミ校は自然光を取り入れた9つの教室、近代的な内装、無料Wi-Fi、そしてコーヒーを楽しみ、国際的な環境が体験できるテラスを取り入れたモダンで考慮され設計された校舎です。有料駐車場もあり、Miami People Moverなどの公共の交通機関からもアクセスしやすくなっています。



  • 近代的で考慮された設計
  • 教室を9室完備
  • 広々とした受付エリアと屋外テラス
  • 熱心なフルタイムの講師陣とスタッフ
  • 有料駐車場付き
  • 公共交通機関で通学可能(バスとモノレール)
  • 無料Wi-Fi


  • ホームステイ


  • メトロムーバーとメトロレールの最寄駅は当校に隣接
  • メトロレールを利用すると マイアミの中心街や空港な ど周辺地区に容易にアクセス可能
  • メトロムーバーと無料トローリーは学校の前のファイ ナンシャルディストリクト駅に停車
  • 最寄りの空港:マイアミ国際空港(MIA)


  • 交通費
  • 片道 $2.25
  • 1日乗り放題パス $5.65
  • 1週間定期 $29.25
  • 1カ月定期 $112.50
  • 食費
  • 昼食の平均額 $10 1人当たり
  • 夕食の平均額 $20 1人当たり
  • 博物館&観光
  • 博物館/ツアー/その他観光 $10 - $30
  • スポーツイベント
  • スポーツ観戦のチケット代 観戦するスポーツとチームによる $30 - $200
  • 天気





Talk International is a great place to study.  It is an amazing school located in Brickell, surrounded by beautiful constructions and views, nice restaurants and good transportation (Metrorail, metro mover and trolley).  There are other schools around the area but the difference is that Talk offers an excellent school environment; the relationship between teachers and students is fantastic.  Our teachers really help us and most important, we improve.  Prices are accessible and we get high quality education, it is not easy to find both at the same time.  Our school also offers other language programs like Spanish, Italian, German, French and Portuguese.  My personal experience in this school has been wonderful, I’ve met beautiful people; today, I have friends from different countries and cultures.Come to Talk, have your own experience, you won’t regret it!
learn english Miami

Vanessa Dos Santos, from Venezuela

Coming to Talk International Miami Center has been an amazing experience for me.  The school is in the middle of the fast growing financial district of Miami, Brickell.  It’s easy reachable by the metro mover and by car.  The classrooms are spacious and have beautiful views of the Brickell skyline.  Each class is equipped with the most modern teaching tools.  The teachers are always well prepared and they make each day class exciting and challenging.  The best thing about TALK is that you are in class with people of all ages and people from many different countries.  It is a true melting pot and it teaches me about the world. I would highly recommend Talk International as it is a fantastic experience.

Emmanuel Verschueren, from Belgium

I have studied English at Talk International Miami Language Center for 7 months.  When I started to learn, I could only count and I could understand very little.  I knew a few words.  Every day, I go to school with pleasure because at TALK, there are very intelligent and interesting teachers.  I always improve my language in a comfortable room with good technology.  Teachers use different teaching strategies with us; each lesson is different, and I am never bored.  Now, I can TALK with my friends, understand people from different linguistic backgrounds and write correctly.
learn english Miami

Dmitry Varavin, from Russia

Thanks to this experience my professional and personal horizons have grown.I’ve learned a lot of new things, learned new customs, met a lot of new people, and most importantly improved my English.
learn english Miami

Jose Osorio, , from Colombia

I learn a lot on talk, teacher is amazing and friendly, staffs is friendly and respectful

Matheus Jo, from United States



助けが必要? お問い合わせ




TALK Schoolsは米国国土安全保障省、ACCETからの認定校、又、TESOL、NAFSA、IELTS、ATDの一員です。

TALK SchoolsはUnistudyUSA、TALK IELTS Center、TALK Kids、Real World Translationsと共にTALK Education Groupの一環となっております。

Learn English for just $110/week or Study Business for only $1.040/course!


This course is designed for students to develop a general knowledge of literature, art, music, and the performing arts. The course covers periods from classical to contemporary in the fields of poetry, prose, philosophy, art, architecture, music, dance, theater, and film. Students will develop a framework to comprehend, analyze and interpret various works of art.